IELTS Essay Questions (03)

Topic: Some argue that rather than stopping climate change, we should figure out how to live with it.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Climate change is a huge threat to life on Earth, but others say that we should embrace it rather than strive to stop it. I absolutely disagree with this viewpoint because I feel we still have time to address this issue and limit our impact on the Earth's climate.
There are several steps that governments and individuals can do to prevent or at least reduce climate change. Governments could enact legislation to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which cause global warming. They may levy "green fees" on vehicles, airlines, and other polluters, and invest in renewable energy generation using solar, wind, or water power. Individuals could also endeavor to decrease their impact to climate change by becoming more energy efficient, flying less, and using bicycles and public transportation. Furthermore, the public can influence government activities by voting for candidates who advocate addressing climate change rather than those who choose to ignore it.

If we merely try to live with climate change instead of taking the aforesaid measures, I believe the results will be terrible. To provide just one example, I am skeptical that we will be able to cope with even a minor rise in sea levels. Flooding would displace millions of people, especially in countries that lack the resources to protect low-lying areas. These individuals would lose their homes and jobs, and they would be compelled to relocate to neighbouring cities or even other nations. The potential for human misery is enormous, and we are likely to see outbreaks of illness and famine, as well as increased homelessness and poverty.

To summarize, it seems clear to me that we must confront the issue of climate change, and I disagree with those who suggest that we can find methods to live with it.
-by an Examiner

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