Academic Vocabulary

Words that are traditionally used in academic discussion and text are referred to as academic vocabulary. It refers to words that aren't necessarily prevalent or encountered regularly in casual discourse.
I've listed some of the most commonly used academic vocabularies below.

Topic: Culture, Art and Tradition

📦Heritage = something inherited (= received/handed down) by one generation from the previous generation

🎎Folklore = old stories and myths/legends, usually transmitted verbally

📜Inheritance = a synonym for 'heritage'

🎨Fine art = art by famous or acclaimed painters

🏺Handicrafts = skills of making objects by hand, and also the objects themselves

🔮Shanties and dirges = very traditional songs about basic subjects

🗣️Linguistic = the adjective meaning about language'

🧿Cultural norms = standards expected of behaviour or ideas

🚷To preserve = to protect and keep something, usually because it is valuable for some reason

🚯To conserve = To Preserve 

🔱Rituals = highly traditional ceremonies which have meaning for the participants

🌐To transmit = to communicate a message, literal or symbolic

♻️Social memes = social habits or patterns which are transmitted between people

❗️Public duty = the willingness to serve the public or the state

🚫Self-sacrifice = the willingness to suffer or die for a cause

🎀Cultural traditions = traditions carrying cultural importance

🎈Mythology, myth = a classic story from the past which people know is not true but which carries meaning

🧸To evoke = to bring back memories or feelings

🔮Medieval = adjective for the Middle Ages, roughly 1050 to 1400 in European history

🧬The fabric of society = the way that society is connected and maintained.

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