First Modern Olympic Games (Passage)

Topic: The First Modern Olympic Games.

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece.
The Olympic Games, a long-lost ancient Greek tradition, are resurrected in Athens on April 6, 1896, 1,500 years after being prohibited by Roman Emperor Theodosius I. The Athens Games opened with King Georgios I of Greece and 60,000 spectators welcoming competitors from 13 countries to the international competition.

The first recorded Olympic Games were held in 776 B.C. in Olympia, in the Greek city-state of Elis, but it is widely assumed that the Olympics had been around for at least 500 years at that time. Every four years, the ancient Olympics were staged in conjunction with a religious celebration celebrating the Greek god Zeus. Contestants arrived from a dozen or more Greek cities in the eighth century B.C., and by the fifth century B.C., they had come from as many as 100 cities across the Greek empire. At first, Olympic competition was limited to foot races, but eventually activities such as wrestling, boxing, horse and chariot racing, and military games were introduced. A foot sprint, long jump, discus and javelin tosses, and wrestling were all part of the pentathlon, which was first held in 708 B.C. The Olympics fell with the emergence of Rome, and in 393 A.D., the Christian Roman Emperor Theodosius I destroyed the Games as part of his efforts to eliminate paganism in the Roman Empire.

With the Renaissance, Europe began a lengthy love affair with ancient Greek culture, and in the 18th and 19th centuries, various countries held informal sporting and folkloric events known as "Olympic Games." However, it was not until 1892 that Pierre de Coubertin, a young French nobleman, seriously advocated recreating the Olympics as a major international competition held every four years. Coubertin brought up the concept again at a meeting on international sport in Paris in June 1894, and the 79 delegates from nine countries unanimously endorsed his suggestion. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was established, and the first Olympic Games were scheduled for Athens, Greece's capital, in 1896.

280 athletes from 13 different countries competed in 43 different events in Athens, including track and field, swimming, gymnastics, cycling, wrestling, weightlifting, fencing, shooting, and tennis. All of the contestants were men, with the exception of a few tourists who happened upon the Games and were allowed to participate. The Panathenaic Stadium, which was built in 330 B.C. and restored for the 1896 Games, hosted the track and field events. Nine of the twelve events were won by Americans. The first marathon was held at the 1896 Olympics, and it was based on a 25-mile run by a Greek soldier who delivered news of a victory over the Persians from Marathon to Athens in 490 B.C. The marathon distance was defined in 1924 at 26 miles and 385 yards. Spyridon Louis, a Greek, won the first marathon at the 1896 Athens Games, which was fitting.

In 1896, Pierre de Coubertin was elected president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and he led the Olympic Games through their challenging early years, when they lacked widespread public support and were overshadowed by global fairs. The first genuinely successful Olympic Games were held in Paris in 1924, including over 3,000 competitors from 44 countries, including over 100 women. In the same year, the first Winter Olympic Games were staged. Coubertin stepped down in 1925. The Olympic Games have established itself as the most important international sporting event. More than 10,000 competitors from 200 countries competed in the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, including approximately 4,000 women. The Summer Olympics returned to Athens in 2004, with over 11,000 competitors from 202 countries competing. The shotput tournament was held at the location of the classical Games in Olympia, which was a proud moment for Greeks and an exciting one for spectators.

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