In IELTS reading, how crucial is the vocabulary test?


IELTS Reading is a vocabulary test

You can't get a high score in the IELTS reading test without having a profound

knowledge of understanding paraphrased or reworded forms, that is conveying the

same message in other words by changing the words or grammatical structures in a sentences

Look at the examples below ;

By Words: I need some water. = I am thirsty.

By Structures: John is taller than Pat. = Pat is not as tall as John (is).

Here are some more examples of similar words and phrases that you may find in academic reading passages;

  • ·        remained = stayed
  • ·        took a long time = slow
  • ·        of varying (size, price etc) = of different (size, price)
  • ·        virtually any = almost any
  • ·        non-stop = continuous
  • ·        unblemished = perfect, without a mark or scratch
  • ·        molten (glass or metal) = in liquid form due to heat
  • ·        instant commercial success = made a profit straight away
  • ·        flaws = faults, mistakes, weaknesses
  • ·        detecting = locating, finding, discovering

Tip: Write the new words or phrases that you read or hear and their synonymous

equivalence in a notebook - that's the best way to improve your vocabulary knowledge

step by step. Don’t forget that vocabulary learning is a gradual and time taking process.

While you are looking for keywords it is not necessary to understand every word in the passage.

However, you must know over 50% of the words if you want to understand

the main points of the passage. It is very important to have a program of vocabulary

development to learn 5 to 10 new words a day. One good useful way to do this is by reading articles that you find interesting in newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias and textbooks. The best way to improve your vocabulary knowledge is to read things that interest you.

Collect vocabulary (words, collocations, phrases) in a notebook. For every

new word you learn, find a good example sentence which includes the new word in it.

Expanding your vocabulary is important not only for your reading, but also for your

writing, speaking and listening.

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