Looking for a win-win solution (Passage)

Looking for a win-win situation

I've recently encountered a quandary that I'm attempting to resolve. A weekend in the near future where I have competing demands and ideals and must be in two places at once. I've been agonizing over this decision because my intuition isn't providing me with a clear answer. And I've never felt like there was a win-win answer. If I do just one thing, I'm disappointing a lot of people. If I do the opposite, I will likewise be off the target. In any case, I feel like a loss rather than a winner.

This morning, I received an email that directly answers this quandary. You're traveling along on a wild stormy night when you get a thinking test. You pass by a bus stop and notice three individuals waiting for the bus: one is an elderly lady who is sick and about to die, another is an old buddy who once saved your life, and the third is the perfect man or woman you have been fantasizing about. Which one would you choose if you knew you could only have one passenger in your car? The hired applicant simply said "I'd hand over the keys to an old buddy and let him drive the lady to the hospital. I'd remain behind and wait for the bus with my dream girlfriend."

Sometimes we gain more if we can let go of our strong beliefs, limits, and think beyond the box. If, like me, you are faced with a situation that forces you to pick between Plan A and Plan B, neither of which appears to be the best option. Extend your thinking beyond plans C and D to a third alternative that answers the problem in an entirely new way. Believe that there is a solution you haven't considered yet that will allow you to feel good about your decision, and then look for it. In life, you are not always the victim. The majority of the time, you are the victor. Looking at the situation incorrectly. It is entirely up to you to select a point of view.

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